Yesterday, I had a routine experience that sparked a profound realization about the future of marketing. While grocery shopping, I remembered I had run out of hot chocolate powder. Wanting a healthier option, I turned to ChatGPT, which promptly recommended several brands featuring 70% dark chocolate and low sugar content. This simple interaction as a consumer and a digital marketer led me to a fascinating question: could the next big frontier in marketing be brands creating advertisements specifically tailored for AI agents rather than directly targeting human consumers? In this blog, I will explore how AI-driven consumer behavior is reshaping the landscape of marketing, the potential for AI-targeted advertisements, and what this means for brands and consumers alike. The Shift in Consumer Behavior AI-powered tools, such as ChatGPT, Alexa, and Google Assistant, are increasingly becoming the go-to choice for consumers seeking personalized recommendations. These AI agents are transforming...
Want to access the popular search engine google? Just type gghhjj.Com.Wish to login to orkut? Then type ookkmm.Com.These are a couple of the many keyboard shortcuts brought out by eight net-savvy youth from Bhatinda using their "angle theory". According to them, the whole concept is to overcome the language barrier while surfing.
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